Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pampers Codes

Here's another one for you:


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rite Aid next week

Reminder to watch any of the Video Values videos you might want before they go away on Sunday! Make sure to watch all of the $5 off $25 purchase ones, 1 off $1 purchases, and these ones to get some freebies next week:

Aveeno Nourish Hair Care - $5.99 - Get $1 up reward
$4 Video value coupon
$1 off 1 here or here

Nivea Happy Sensation body lotion - $5.99 - Get $5 up Reward
$1 off 1 coupon at

Quaker Oatmeal 2 for $5 - get $1 up reward when you buy 2
Use 2 $2 off 1 coupon from previous post (hope you printed it, it is not available any more)

Huggies - $8.99 - get a $2 up reward
$1.50 off snug and dry at
$2.50 off little snugglers/movers or pure and natural here
$2 off 1 Huggies Video Values coupon

Oscillococcinum - BOGO FREE plus $2 up reward
There are 2 Video Value coupons for $3 off
Then print 2 $2 off
I am not sure of the prices in store, but with $10 in coupons and the $2 up reward, should make a great deal on these!

Safeway 10/20 -10/26

Safeway looks rather blah this week. Here are a couple of things I found:

Russet Potatoes $1.38
2lb Lucerne Cheese - $3.99 (Tillamook is on sale for this price at Freddy's this week :P)

Quaker Oatmeal - 2 for $5
Use your $2 off coupon you printed a couple days ago (see previous post)
Use the coupon doubler in the AD

Simply Juice - $2.50 w/ coupon in AD
$1 off 1 on facebook
Use a doubler
$1 a piece

There is a cataina for Betty Crocker Fruit snacks -
Buy Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks between 10/4-10/31
Buy 3, Receive $1.00 Catalina ($0.33 savings per item)
Buy 4, Receive $2.00 Catalina ($0.50 savings per item)
Buy 5, Receive $3.00 Catalina ($0.67 savings per item)

They are $.99 with the coupon in the Ad
Deal Idea:
Buy 5 fruit snacks
Load the $.50 off 2 at Betty Crocker Fruit snacks on
Use 2 $.50 off 2 Betty Crocker Fruit snacks manufacturer coupon at
Use a doubler for another $1 off
Pay $2.45 and get a $3 catalina! So a $.55 moneymaker!

Chef Boyardee $.79 w/ coupon in Ad
$.50 off 3 manufacturer coupon at
Use doubler - $.50
$.45 each when you buy 3

Fage Greek Yogurt - $1.25
$1 off 1 on facebook
Use doubler - $.50
$.25 Moneymaker!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Huggies Enjoy the Ride Code

Here is a 5pt code for Huggies Enjoy the Ride program. You don't need a baby to take part (just like pampers) I'll post codes as I come across them:


Here are some past ones:


Monday, October 18, 2010

FREE Brita Pitcher at Fred Meyer

Go here and take a pledge to reduce bottle water waste and print a $5 off a Brita Pitcher and it is on sale for $4.99 at Fred Meyer, so you can score this for FREE! (and I thought when I got one for $3.50 a couple of months ago I got a good deal :P)

You can print 2 by just hitting the back button on your browser

Free lip item w/ ANY purchase

Here is a coupon for a FREE lip item with ANY purchase (they have things for as little as $.50-1) at Bath and Body Works. I was just in there on Saturday picking up another free item they sent me in the mail and Sabrina was eying the lip gloss. So I guess she'll be getting one for a stocking stuffer now! :) Sabrina LOVES this place!

FYI - this is only good until the 21st

Today's shopping trips - Rite Aid & Fred Meyer

The Seventh Generation sale yielded some good buys! Unfortunately, I couldn't find any of their disinfectant wipes :(

Here are some prices AFTER the coupons from previous post

Baby wipes (70 ct) - $1.29 (less than .02 a wipe!)
Tissues - $.09!!!!
Dish washing detergent - $.74
Laundry Soap - $3.99
Diapers - $4.99 (about .14 a diaper for size 3 - I didn't get any since I have lots, but a decent deal if you need diapers or like this brand)

I forgot to give my Northland juice Ad coupon :P So I guess I need to go back sometime this week for a price adjustment (it is like $4 difference, so It is worth it)

I ended up getting 2 more things at Rite aid and splitting my transactions into 3. I got another paper this week (I have called and emailed to tell them to stop sending it :P) and it had some coupons to use...

I did get 20% off the diapers! YAY! So I split the Freebates into 2 transactions, but did this for my first transaction instead of what I previously posted:
1 box of huggies - $15.99 (after 20% savings!)
1 pkg of Scott TP (equals 36 rolls) for $7.49
2 pkg of Dove chocolate - $5 for 2
$3 off huggies coupon
$1 Scott TP coupon (came in the paper)
$1 Scott Video Value TP coupon
$1 off Dove chocolate (was in a previous paper)
$1 off 2 Dove chocolate Video Value coupon
$5 off $25 coupon
$1 off 1 coupon
Total: $15.48 plus Up rewards of $4 for huggies, $2 for Scott, and $1 for Chocolate (so $8.48 total)

Then I did the Freebates in 2 transactions - used 2 $5 off $25 purchase, 1 $1 off 1 coupon, and $7 in coupons so a $18 Profit! (I also used up my up rewards, since I did that transaction first)

So a PROFIT of $9.52 for all 3 transactions :) They were out of the coldwar (or I didn't find it, not sure :P)

I hope to get to Target and Old Navy tomorrow (I have a buy an adult item get a child's item free coupon! have to have an Old Navy card to get this deal) - I'll let you know if I find anything good!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

New $5 off $25 at Rite Aid coupon

Here is a NEW pdf coupon for Rite Aid! This one is good until the end of November!

$2 off oatmeal coupon

Go here and print a $2 off 1 coupon for Quaker Instant Oatmeal! This OFTEN goes on sale for under $2, so you can score some FREE oatmeal. So print it now before it goes away - it is good until the end of the year!! (so plenty of time to wait for a good sale!)